About Me

The H-Word. There's a lot of H-words around here. Honest, helpful, happy, hilarious, just to name a few. Also Hailey, my name, the real H-word.

I'm currently a high school teacher taking things one day at a time while making all kinds of plans for my future. That's something I like to do, plan things. Seriously, my bullet journal is detailed and amazing. This comes in handy since I'm a science teacher, who is also getting my masters in secondary education. Kids are one of my passions because they're so dang great. Some other things I love include iced coffee, baseball, sunshine, ice cream, and country music.

I am so excited to be writing this blog all about my life. It's funny that I have decided to do this thing considering how much I have hated writing for the majority of my life. This blog is for me to share about my experiences and adventures. I hope that sharing my stories can help people no matter what they're needing, whether it be encouragement or just a good laugh. 

Thanks for coming and be sure to check out the full story about the how and why I started this blog. 


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