W&H Week of Fun Day 1 & 2

Saturday was day 1 of Warnie and Hails Week of Fun. Our plan for the day was to drive down to Atlanta, eat at the Varsity, and go to the Braves game. We were kind of bummed that we wouldn’t have time to do much in the city because we’ve never really been. 

We got started at about 7 am. I had to make a few stops before we left because would it really be a trip with me if I had everything I needed before we leave? The answer is no. I always forget to get something that we end up having to go to the store to get. This time I even forgot to buy something that was ON the list (it was sunscreen). But anyways we got my stuff, got some Joe Beans and got on the road. About an hour into the trip we stopped to get some breakfast at Bojangles and when I walked in I saw some of our friends from home that I hadn’t seen in a while. It was funny to see them there of all places. 

Once we got on the road we realized that we were going to get to Atlanta about three hours earlier than we had originally thought. This called for impromptu trip planning. We decided the best thing to do was go to the World of Coca-Cola museum. For those of you who don't know me, I hate soda. I have never ever drank more than a few sips my whole life. BUT I was still pretty excited about this as I had heard it was a very cool place to go.

They had all kinds of cultural Coke bottles
around the museum. And no, I didn't drink
that Coke. 
Once we got into Atlanta and found a place to park, it was adventure time (and picture time). While we were walking to the Coke place we passed the Olympic park! Super cool even though we didn't actually go inside. SO I won't ruin the Coke museum experience for those of you that have never been and may go sometime but it was awesome. The best part was tasting the different sodas they make all around the world. I tried a ton of them surprisingly and even more surprisingly the Asian ones were my favorite (I also used to not eat any Asian food until the past year or so).

After the Coke experience, it was time to go to The Varsity. Since nobody likes driving in big cities, we decided to walk. It was a nice walk despite the fact that I had sweat dripping down my entire body by the end of it. We walked right through Georgia Tech's campus and passed by the football stadium.

For those of you who don't know what the Varsity is, neither did I at first. It's pretty basic food hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, but the special thing is the way you order. Each item has specific name that you're supposed to use. For example, if I wanted a hot dog to go I would order a "Walk a Dog." They have terms like that for everything on the menu. What I ordered was a Hot Dog All the way, a hot dog with mustard, chili, and onions, and a Steak All the way, a hamburger with mustard, ketchup, and pickles (plus I added cheese). We also got onion rings and let me tell you they were perfect onion rings. It was delicious and worth the walk.

Dad wears the Cubs hat to EVERY game!
After we ate and walked back to the car it was baseball time. The real reason we are all here. It was our first time going to a game in Atlanta. It was the Braves vs. the Mets. For those of you that don't know, I am a Cubs fan but we are just enjoying baseball and trying to get to every stadium. I made a joke with myself that I would wear something from the opposing team at each game, mostly because I could. And ya know the song, "root root root for the home team." So that's why I am wearing a Mets shirt.

The stadium was really nice and had awesome food! I got this massive piece of pizza and Danny got a really yummy BBQ sandwich. The actual game was trash. Both of the starting pitchers were out by the middle of the SECOND inning. Because of the terrible pitching it was definitely a hit/run fest. Overall, it was an awesome game and stadium. After the game we went to spend the night with some of Danny's family outside of Atlanta.

Day 2 started with Danny's aunt making a yummy breakfast and some quality conversation before we hit the road. Day 2 was not much of an eventful day but still a very important day of the trip. We were going to visit our family that lives in Florida. It is my dad's sister Bonnie, her husband Paul, daughter Lynn, and granddaughter Kristi. They also had three cute cats which I was allllll about. We haven't seen them in a few years because Lynn and Kristi have lived in Florida for a while but my aunt also moved down there from Virginia last fall.

It rained almost the entire time we drove down there, and when I say we drove I mean my dad drove. When we got there we had an amazing homemade dinner and then hung out for a bit. We helped Kristi paint rocks for one of her classes at school. I painted the ice cream cone. I know, shocking. After that they all watching Game of Thrones. It was the first episode of the new season. Since I have never watched it, I obviously had no idea what was going on and gave up after the first ten minutes or so. It was so great though to see our family and get to hang out and catch up!



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