Let's Do This Thing
I have had this crazy idea of starting a blog for several years now, however, something always stopped me from actually doing it. Recently though, I had been really feeling it. So of course I did what any person does when they want to do something new: look it up on the internet. Let me just tell you, those "How to Start a Blog in Five Easy Steps" articles are terrifying. So many of the tutorials seemed more like rules that you had to follow if you ever wanted anyone to read your blog. The articles would say stuff like, "if you don't have a niche people won't know what they're going to see so they just won't read it" or "if you don't have a focused idea you won't be able to keep writing articles that are interesting to your readers." Not to mention, they all talked about to make money from writing your blog. And I just thought to myself whoah, maybe this isn't for me after all. But then it hit me, I don't really care if people read my blog.

The more I seriously pondered the idea I came to the conclusion that I would write my blog for two reasons. One, to have fun and two, to hopefully help someone if they are facing something that I've been through. The next day I was listening to the radio on the way to work (I know, I'm one of the only people my age who doesn't listen to music from their phone but I really love this radio station) and they were doing a bit about this woman who had overcome a mental health issue and was now sharing her story to help others in similar situations. The radio host asked her how she dealt with her condition when it first arose. Her response was that she started reading blogs about people who had been through the same thing as her. She said knowing she wasn't the only one and that it was possible to overcome her situation really helped her push forward.
That was a sign y'all. I heard that and thought to myself, "I see you, God." So here I am, doing the thing, writing the blog. I guess you could say what I'm trying to do here is a lifestyle blog. A little bit of this and little bit of that. I can tell you what I'm not going to do is write about the same thing over and over. Because honestly, I don't know that much about any one thing. At least not anything worth writing a blog about that is. Here we go, I'm ready to tell y'all all about the daily happenings of my hectic but amazing life. I hope you guys will join me on this pilgrimage into the blogging world.
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